Monday, 6 July 2009

Holiday Blues

Okay, I am fully aware that I do commit to this blog or my writings blog often enough, but the way I feel is that you cannot keep updating this sort of thing every couple of days, because it is likely that if you do this then the stuff you have been writing becomes extremely boring. Thus, by only commiting to this every few months, I hope to make my posts interesting and fresh, because as far as I know, my life is not so exciting that I have the need to be blogging everyday every hour.
Anyway, back to the purpose of this blog. Well, so far, the holidays havent been too bad, but the main thing is that there is nothing constructive to do, so I feel like I am forced to soend time on pointless activites that are not going to help me int he future, although they seem l the time. Yes, going for regular walks is refreshing and good for your health, but so far, this is the only thing I have far focussed on that could be related to constructiveness.
However, there is also another thing I have been trying to look at and expand: My relationship with God. Afterall, in this spare time that I have, I feel that it would be my great advantage to spend large amounts of time with God.
However, it is exremely hard for me, because despite all of this spare time the Bible, it should and has been admitted, is perhaps one of if not the most boring book in the world, and as yet I do not have the discipline required to keep going with it, and so far I am only managing 30 mins a day at the most, which I suppose is good but I am still stuck in Exodus, and its not one of the interesting books within the Bible. Also, I am not helped by the fact that my close family are not christians, so I do not have my parent's guidance or discipline to help me come to God, which is annoying. I have also tried to pray, but I can't seem to find a decent topic to pray about or for, even though I know that God wants to hear all my prayers, no matter how silly or trivial them seem to me.
I think I need a holiday. Which, coincidently, is rather lucky, as im going to Spain next Monday :)
